*On the Sidelines: Player's Insight

by Alaina Pangelina

Reactions and predictions are great because they may be said in regards to one game, but the analysis can be useful for far longer.

As we get closer to the playoffs, this reporter finds herself more and more curious- not just for scores, predictions, and analysis, though they go hand in hand- but also to hear from the players we watch every week and the staff who keep our teams and league running. We'll be playing with this layout for sure, but enjoy some past highlights. 

Looking forward to updating this, and we'll see if this can be a post that regularly updates with pings, or keeping things sorted by week or conference. (as always, feel free to send input or preferences!)


“Its always big going against the Voyagers. Its been a hump in everyone's back since Season Eight so off of that alone, it means a lot…It’s a lot to prep for, weapons all over the field on offense and heavy hitters and playmakers all over that defense. The main thing is to finish our drives to the maximum performance. FGs aren't going to cut it against HBV so we need those touchdowns. Also need to get after Tyler (Detherage) and make him uncomfortable.” - Vic Dotson (CHA on playing HBV)

“Well Kirmm had a good game! Three sacks is nothing to sneeze at! Of course our running game was off the chain; Auston Wilson was Unstoppable & had we stayed on the ground and not thrown that pass we would have beat Arizona; I have no doubt. So I want a shot at those boys again." (Andre Krimm after the Wraiths’s near at-the-buzzer loss to the Rattlers)