by Alaina Pangelina

    If you watched the close of the week’s games last week (Week 12), you know the topic of discussion turned again to when and how do we experience replays and restarts of games. Replay rules and scenarios were the discussion of chats and locker rooms for a few days, and this reporter went looking for official answers.

    First, for context, the TAC Eruption @ ARZ Rattlers game was deemed viable for a restart after the game froze in the 4th quarter. Questions naturally came up about where the point difference line was for a restart or just calling the game where ever it last was. 

    How does time left on the clock affect it? How much does the score affect it? What about playoffs games, are those held to a tighter or looser requirement?

    Some leagues have immovable time left requirements, others can be voted by staff such as coaches, but     what does the USFA require? Right now it is on a case-by-case basis, but don’t worry, there is an upcoming sit-down with our very own St4x to tease some upcoming changes and clarity as we move forward and continue to grow as a league.

    So stay tuned for a Gina Buckley exclusive about GamePlay Rules being worked on!